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Benefit & Advatages of Open Source Research and Development



Research and development is one of the most important gears that help the company to improve their product and stay competitive in the market. It was usually the first stage that implements in the product development, and it could be divide into close sources and open sources research and development.

研发是帮助公司改进产品并在市场上保持竞争力的最重要的手段之一。 它通常是在产品开发中实施的第一个阶段,它可以分为闭源和开源研发。


Cost and time reduction

In fact, both of the close and open sources, research and development have their own advantages and disadvantages. Open-source research and development could be more effective in the time and cost-saving of the R&D. This is because that some of the organizations and companies have already prepared with related knowledge, technology and form a technology reservoir. After that, Entrepreneur could just buy this knowledge and technology from them and mining the value, potential, and develop it. This would be more efficient in time usage and cost-consuming, thereby also increase the profit of enterprise indirectly.

其实无论是封闭源还是开源,研发都有各自的优缺点。 开源研发可以更有效地节省研发时间和成本。 这是因为一些组织和公司已经做好了相关知识、技术的准备,形成了技术库。 之后,企业家可以从他们那里购买这些知识和技术,并挖掘价值、潜力并加以开发。 这样在时间利用和成本消耗上更有效率,从而也间接增加了企业的利润。


Besides that, open-source Research and development are also more effective in terms of security because it could actually lower the risk of corporate R&D result leakage. This is because the process of create, and innovation of company products are separated into many parts and responsible for different industries and organizations. This means that no industry and organization have master complete knowledge and technology so that the knowledge they master not yet able to form a complete product.

除此之外,开源研发在安全性方面也更有效,因为它实际上可以降低企业研发成果泄漏的风险。 这是因为公司产品的创造和创新过程被分成许多部分,负责不同的行业和组织。 这意味着没有一个行业和组织掌握了完整的知识和技术,以至于他们掌握的知识还不能形成一个完整的产品。

Lower Risk

Even more, open-source research and development also have a lower risk compared with close sources research and development. This is because that the open-sources research and development allowing the company to cooperate and buy knowledge and technology from other parties. This is to say all the parties involved will sharing the risk, reduce the risk cost of each party. While open sources R&D also increases innovation success rate as every part has their expertise and skill so that open-source R&D could integrate and gather the strengths of each party.

更重要的是,与闭源研发相比,开源研发的风险也更低。 这是因为开源研发允许公司合作并从其他方购买知识和技术。 这就是说所有参与方都将分担风险,降低各方的风险成本。 而开源研发也提高了创新成功率,因为每个环节都有自己的专长和技能,开源研发可以整合和聚集各方的力量。


Management of intellectual property

Thus, open-source research and development have its own limitation too, which is the management and operation of the intellectual property. This is because that the open-sources R&D is actually a form of knowledge sharing and transfer, this could probably cause the problem of exposing main key technologies to other companies and directly lead to the loss of intellectual property rights.

因此,开源研发也有其自身的局限性,那就是知识产权的管理和运营。 这是因为开源研发实际上是一种知识共享和转移的形式,这很可能会导致将主要关键技术暴露给其他公司的问题,并直接导致知识产权的流失。

Management of the innovation process

Moreover, the management of the innovation process could be harder too if using open-source research and development. Considering, which party should be responsible for which part of research and development, how the integration of innovation chain and supply chain, maintain efficient of operation and innovation and so on. Probably, this could increase the time consuming and cost of product development too.

此外,如果使用开源研发,创新过程的管理也会更加困难。 考虑,哪一方应该负责哪一部分的研发,创新链和供应链如何整合,保持运营和创新的高效性等等。 也许,这也会增加产品开发的时间和成本。


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