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(Assignment)~SUBWAY basic marketing plan~Marketing Strategy and Action Programs


Marketing Strategy and Action Programs:

Due to the busy work culture in Japan, the fast-food culture is really suitable to coop with the culture in Japan. However, Japanese people are very paying attention to health, so they are normally not very acceptable to fast food, or can say has a little bit resistance to the fast-food culture.

Based on this situation, Subway is the best choice for the Japanese, which can be taking care of health and a short time in one hand. Subway will make some adaption due to the Japanese food culture to attract Japanese. As an example, the creation of the Japanese fried noodles bread which takes pasta or noodles as bread filling and topped with some sauce.  Other than that, the Japanese like rice the same as what we know, and also they also prefer seaweed and seafood.

Based on the statement, Subway may change the normal bread to rice bread to cater to Japanese tastes and need and wants of bread. There is also different type of rice may create a different taste of bread, and this shall maximize customer engagement.

Besides that, Subway will put great effort into the filling and topping off the food. First, Subway should make sure the transmission of the ingredients, and try to keep the fresh of the ingredient. Subway may use the refrigerated transport service to transport the ingredients to the shop, this may make ingredients keep fresh even in the transport process for maybe a few hours. It is impossible to finish selling the ingredient when the ingredient just reached the shop, so it also needs to keep fresh, so the Subway shop needs to have more refrigerators or other facilities that can keep the ingredient.

Second, Subway will find to cooperate with the local ingredient supplier to get the most quality Japanese local ingredient. Subway can also provide some different type of noodle as the filling, such as fried “udon, soba, and ramen” This is because Japanese is acceptable to eat the bread together with the fried noodle. Subway can also have a new try to provide seafood as the filling but need to limit the quantity of supplying because seafood is hard to keep fresh. As an example, provide the fillet, maybe a salmon fillet with some vegetables is also counted as a healthy food. And to finalize the product adaptation, Subway will have a trial sale period or a survey to collect the response and feedback of the new product after the market adaptation for the Japanese. 

After the product adaption, here comes the promotion of the Subway. Before the official sale of the new food starting, Subway may propaganda itself to the Japanese through the internet and TV advertising to achieve the effect of the market warming-up and encourage customer curiosity. When new food was engaged into the Japanese market, I would like to make a new start-up promotion for a specific period to attract more Japanese want to try Subway for the first time, and try to stick the customer to the Subway, increase customer turn back rate with the fresh food and good services. This shall be able to create the first batch of loyal customers and they shall be able to help Subway promote automatically.

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