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Critically explain various theories of management and leadership from the chosen company.

Company Choose : CK packaging & Plastic industry

Date:2021 / 6 / 17

CK packaging & plastic industry is a small and medium enterprise that mainly focus on the production of different types of the plastic package includes a different color, size, and shape so on. To handle a large amount of demand, the company has used many of the machines and try to manage the process of production to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the production. To do this, CK packaging has more use in scientific management which tries to maximize the workers and machinery productivity.

CK包装塑料工业是一家中小型企业,主要专注于生产不同类型的塑料包装,包括不同颜色、尺寸和形状等。 为了处理大量的需求,公司使用了许多机器,并尝试对生产过程进行管理,以确保生产的有效性和效率。 为此,CK包装更多地用于科学管理,试图最大限度地提高工人和机器的生产力。


Scientific management could be seen as really suitable in terms of profitability and fit with enterprise aim. However, scientific management is more emphasize on the set the work standardization, giving task based on capability, specialize training , and so on, which means the employee will just repeat the same thing again and again. Scientific management good at production but actually with a weakness which is it avoid caring with the personality of the employee. In a simpler word, scientific management was sacrificing the employee’s humanity for the productivity. Scientific management be found quite early, and less using by company nowadays, but however it actually uses quite much by industrial type of company yet.

科学管理可以说是非常适合盈利能力和符合企业目标的。 但是,科学管理更强调工作的标准化、能力下的任务、专业化的培训等,这意味着员工只会一遍又一遍地重复同样的事情。 科学管理擅长生产,但其实有一个弱点,那就是不关心员工的个性。 简单来说,科学管理就是为了生产力而牺牲员工的人性。 科学管理很早就被发现,现在很少被公司使用,但实际上却被工业类型的公司使用得相当多。


In term of leadership, Ck packaging& plastic industry is quite mess in these few years of pandemic. Based on the data from internet, Ck packaging has receive the impact of covid pandemic and cause the net profit margin has goes down. However, because of appropriately correspond of company management, the company could yet slowly hold the situation and avoid the too much loss. Moreover, the Ck packaging is starting to try recover back the business situation, the evidence is on the official website of CK packaging, they are trying to look for more hiring to cover back the demand needed such as the QC operator, salesman, technician and so on. From this, we could know that the management of Ck packaging is quite mature and stable even facing the covid pandemic.

就领导力而言,这几年大流行的CK包装塑料行业相当混乱。 从网上数据来看,CK包装受到了新冠肺炎疫情的影响,导致净利润率下降。 但由于公司管理层的配合得当,公司尚能缓和局面,避免损失过大。 此外,CK包装开始尝试恢复业务状况,证据在CK包装官方网站上,他们正在寻找更多招聘以弥补所需的QC操作员,销售员,技术员和 很快。 由此可知,即使面对新冠病毒大流行,Ck 包装的管理也相当成熟和稳定。

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