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Describe five (5) dimensions of socially responsible purchasing.

product and service safety

The first social responsible for procurement will be product and service safety. It means that to ensure the safe use of the product or the services of the purchaser. The government is also working well and taking this responsibility seriously. For example, the government limits the seller to label the cautions on the product packaging including the right using the method on some of the products. This was to ensure that the consumer can use the product or services directly without threatening the life of users.


environment protection

Second social responsibility for procurement will be the environment protection. The government is also not encouraged to use products that are hard to dispose of and will affect the environment such as plastic material. For example, the plastic bag, plastic straw, and spoon are not encouraged to use because it is hard or not able to recycle and clean up, so that will also bring a lot of unnecessary cost on disposal. Even more, sometimes the plastic bottle will be swallowed or eaten by the animal such as the fish which actually threatens the animal life in the environment.


human right

Third will be a human right. Human rights such as freedom of thinking, freedom of privacy, freedom of talking, and so on. Some of the products violate human rights such as one of the companies in recent years wanting to create glasses with scanners and cameras which are able to scan the product information, connect with the internet, and so on. However, it was not successful at last because this product threatened the portrait right and privacy of people. For example, someday, the user of these glasses suddenly catches another person's picture without telling them.



Fourth will be philanthropy. Simply said the philanthropy is to do charity such as donate money, or cloth, food, and so on the resources to those who need it. People said that a successful business is based on social support so that the business should also payback to society some return as well. Actually, most successful businesses are willing to do philanthropy because this will help them to shape a better image and sometimes give them advantages in negotiation and relationship management.



Fifth will be the diversity. The business should be fair and decrease the diversity such as pay the same, treat same, same services and so on. And not too diverse people through their characteristics such as the races, religion, language and so on and provide different treatments and look on people.


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