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Culture and Cross Culture Presentation Note - Defination / Culture in broad sense / Why cross culture happen / improtance


The culture was a social phenomenon that happens while people live together in places, with similar habits, past experience, personality, and so on, it forms the special and unique way of living and behavior of different people.

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  1. Differentiate the races, ethnicities. For example, the most significant was languages. Japan has Japanese, Malaysia has Chinese, Malay, and so on. Almost every race has their own languages
  2. Simply said, it is just habits while it is just individual behavior, but while the habits become group behavior, it becomes culture.
  3. Baby does not know how to speak specific languages or cultural behavior, but it does learn the culture while it grows in the culture.

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  1. (tangible)Pepsi tin color gold while the happy new year
  2. (system) shariah court for Islamic religious law
  3. (behavioral) just like us. Japan also, a places call Akibahara, there sell comic, even can see maid café beside the street.
  4. (mentality) just like Chinese don’t like to write name with a red color pen, because it just like want people to die, blood color.

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  1. globalization was processing that businesses or people expend or develop internationally. While different societies met each other, cross-culture will happen.
  2. Talk with different languages, may not understand or understand in another meaning.  Cause communication uncertainty. E.g. I buy 100 you give me 10 units. While information not clear will cause misunderstanding so it was hard to trust each other.
  3. Break down barriers, communicate better to build trust. So people with different cultures could like to work together, be friends. And maybe the war and conflict also become less. 
  4. Time period, time to learn to accept and change your ways of living to achieve cultural similarity. While culture was similar, it was easier to accept the differences. Maybe I come from japan country, the curry was different taste, but after some time I live in Malaysia, then I can be accepting Malaysia curry.