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Describe five (5) areas of IHR will Cindy Fratelli need to learn?

Knowledge about foreign country's environment

To engage in international human resources, the knowledge and understanding of a foreign country's environment should be the first indicators. Cindy needs to investigate differences to find out how the international labor environment is. For example, what are the working-age restrictions and average working hours limitation of those countries, so as to help the company to decide the suitable hiring and working conditions of the subsidiaries in foreign countries. Even more, the different countries have their taxation and laws would probably affect company costs too.

从事国际人力资源工作,对国外环境的了解和了解应该是首要指标。 Cindy 需要调查差异以了解国际劳工环境如何。例如,这些国家的工作年龄限制和平均工作时间限制是什么,以帮助公司决定国外子公司的合适雇用和工作条件。更重要的是,不同国家的税收和法律也可能会影响公司成本。

Foreign country's culture

Secondly, the culture will be one of the elements that form a country too. Cindy needs to find out what is the foreign country's culture, what are the differences, maybe the language, social issues, or attitude, and so on. From knowing all their culture, Cindy could manage the employee more effectively especially to take care of the foreign employee mood and feelings. In fact, cultural shock is one of the biggest problems while transfer employees go international.

其次,文化也是构成一个国家的要素之一。 Cindy 需要弄清楚外国的文化是什么,有什么不同,可能是语言、社会问题,或者态度等等。 Cindy 了解外籍员工的所有文化,可以更有效地管理员工,特别是照顾外籍员工的情绪和感受。事实上,文化冲击是转移员工走向国际的最大问题之一。

Recruitment and selection approach

Third, employees are the important gear for the organization to function. However, how Cindy should recruit and select for the employee will be an important issue. For example, which strategy to use for recruitment, TCN, PCN or HCN. The recruitment of different countries will have its own advantages and disadvantages, using the right strategy is one of the keys to manage human resources effectively.

第三,员工是组织运作的重要工具。但是,Cindy 应该如何招聘和选择员工将是一个重要的问题。例如,用于招聘的策略是 TCN、PCN 还是 HCN。不同国家的招聘都有各自的优缺点,使用正确的策略是有效管理人力资源的关键之一。

Training and development approach

Fourth, after the correct recruitment and selection, training and development are needed to help employees catch up with the trends. Cindy needs to know how to find out what the skilled company needs, what employees lack. In other term, Cindy needs to prepare with the skills of analysis and talent management to provide the suitable training to develop the employee.

第四,在正确的招聘和选拔之后,需要进行培训和发展,帮助员工跟上潮流。辛迪需要知道如何找出公司需要什么技能,员工缺乏什么。另一方面,Cindy 需要准备好分析和人才管理技能,以提供合适的培训来发展员工。

Compensation and rewards approach

Fifth, to retain the employee, compensation, and rewards is one of important tools. However, in different countries, the payment approach and policies are highly different. For example, how much should be paid, count in which currency, base salary, insurance, income taxes, and so on. Depending on different regulations, the compensation and reward of the companies would be an argument. 


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