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Today over two-thirds of the U.S. workforce is employed in producing and delivering services, not products. In a brief essay, Explain the reasons for this trend.

Commonly, the economic sector has three types which are the extraction of raw material (first sector), manufacturing (second sector), and service industries (third sector). At the time before, while the quality of life was lower, people are more focused on the production and manufacturing sectors. For example, the mining and logging, canned food processing industry, and so on. At that time, the first and second sectors had a very high demand, and it caused the factory to build up just like the mushroom spring up after rain. In other term, most of the countries that focus on the third sector of the economy now have first experienced the industrial age.


In fact, three sectors of the economy are relevant with each other and not in the same position, truly, because the development of the first and second sectors are the gear and fundamental to pushing the third service sector. Realistically, the US is one of the countries that have the condition to encourage the third service sector. At the same time, has scholar has pointed out while the income of people increases and the development of civilization, the labor force is moved from the first sector to the second sector and finally move to the third sector. Even more, the third sector has the characteristics of lower resource consumption, less environmental pollution, and it is the indicator of competitiveness and modernization of the country.


From the government's perspective, the movement to the third service sector is also really beneficial to them and their people too. The third service sector as a new economic sector has occupied a very important role in the national economy. It has almost covered all of the available domestic and foreign market categories such as transportation, computer service, accommodation, catering industry, and so on. Actually, the service sector has provided a lot of different job opportunities than the first and second sectors, even the common salary for the third sector is much higher than the other two sectors too.


Due to all of those advantages, the government and people are glad to see the economic transformation to the third sector. In conclusion, the moving to the third service sector is not accidental but an inevitability which was the product under the economic globalization and development.


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