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Describes how do the three (3) laws of global integration apply to career development

The law of economics 

Firstly, the law of economics is about supply and demand. In terms of career development, the law of economics refers to the demand or supply of career and promotion opportunities in the talent market. In fact, while the education of people continuously improving, the competition in the talent market was increasing too. This situation has caused that the demand for high-pay careers was an increase but supply was not enough at all, even some of the university students are still working as cashiers only. This has proven that the supply of human resources is much higher than the supply of the career opportunity which causes a disequilibrium and human resources oversupply.


The law of expertise

The law of expertise will be the second law of global integration which was about the right skill, people, place, time, and right cost. Realistically, there are a lot of talented human resources with general knowledge. However, the truly needed demand of those big firms is the talent with specialized knowledge which also call as expertise in certain fields. In other term, talent with general knowledge can do everything commonly, but expertise can do one thing perfectly. Those big firms really want to have the right expertise with the right skills to handle their job and to bring improvement and breakthroughs. This was also why many universities are dividing into many specialized courses for people to choose for the expert fields, and that is why the big firm is willing to provide good benefits and salaries to the expertise.


The law of openness

Besides that, the law of openness will be the third law of global integration. It refers to the transparency of identifying, searching and obtaining talent, knowledge, and skills. In simple words, it was about recruitment and selection. Openness in recruitment and selection points out that the freeness and fairness in the recruitment and selection process. For example, the openness recruitment without limitation on geographical, sectorial expands the recruitment pool for most suitable candidates. Even more, the transparency recruitment from the aspect of information such as the recruitment specification, requirement, admission and so on can be the advantages to encourage the people to acquire job opportunity. 


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