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Briefly describe five (5) method and recommend which method the International HR manager uses to develop job specification.

A human resource manager needs to develop job specifications for a new position at her firm. She can either base the job specifications on statistical analysis or on common sense. Briefly describe five (5) methods and recommend which method the International HR manager uses.

To develop the job specification, a human resource manager should know what the new position is about. Firstly, managers could conduct analysis or surveys for employees to find out what is the need and demands at the workplace now. To know more detail, HR managers should also involve the current employees in the development of job specifications as they might know more. Other than that, HR managers could find out the demand and need by researching the key performance indicator to know which type of position and jobs need to be added. Still, the easiest way is to base on common sense and knowledge is to judge the details of the specification.

要制定工作规范,人力资源经理应该知道新职位的内容。 首先,管理人员可以对员工进行分析或调查,以了解现在工作场所的需求和要求。 要了解更多细节,人力资源经理还应该让现有员工参与制定工作规范,因为他们可能了解更多。 除此之外,人力资源经理可以通过研究关键绩效指标来了解需求和需求,以了解需要添加哪些类型的职位和职位。 尽管如此,最简单的方法是基于常识和知识来判断规范的细节。

However, it was recommended that HR managers involve existing employees in the development of job specifications due to the experience not being replaceable. Besides that, using multiple methods together should be the best method to use to develop more detail and correct job specification.

然而,由于经验不可替代,建议人力资源经理让现有员工参与工作规范的制定。 除此之外,结合使用多种方法应该是用于制定更详细和正确的工作规范的最佳方法。

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