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Justify five (5) ways has technology changed international human resources management?

Technology has brought a lot of convenience to human civilization, especially dealing with complex information management. Technology not only brings a huge impact on normal life but also changes working conditions. One of the most significant effects can be seen in human resources management.


Before technology matures, the hiring progress of the human resources will be face-to-face, survey post printed notice on the door as advertisement and so on. This has caused many of the potential employees to only find some job opportunities near their home, even the company enterprise is unable to access the talent employee that is far away from them. However, with the development of technology, the creation of the internet and devices, hiring has become easier and faster. Employees could easily access different companies' official websites to look for job opportunities in different countries, so the company's human resources could easily find the best suitable candidate based on what their company needed. In this case, the cost of hiring will relatively decrease and become more effective and efficient in terms of hiring.


Even more, the training before is spread and taught by using paper made books, direct teaching face to face, and so on. But after the use of technology spread, it has highly increased the accessibility of different knowledge and skills by using the internet. This will bring much convenience to the training and development in human resources management. While companies want to provide training, they could easily find teaching materials. Even if companies do not provide training, employees could also simply access knowledge and learn something new from the internet. Overall, such technological changes are extremely beneficial to the growth of employees.


As mentioned above, technology makes work simpler and more efficient. Human resources departments are also responsible for the payroll for employees too. In before, there was less of a payment approach and all of it was in different materials, some of it even hard to bring and heavy. However, nowadays, the money could be in a digital form and appear much more payment approach which is really convenient. For example, the transfer of money neither less nor much can proceed by internet banking, even so, cross country transfer is possible. This was really beneficial for the company's human resources management.


Moreover, technology development has made the management of talent become more effective too. Usually, a big company has many employees which could be more than a few hundred. In before, managing this amount of employees will be a big challenge, but nowadays the technology allows information transfer and sharing through the internet which makes it human resources are easier to get information and testing employee performance even in different places and locations. By having that information, human resources are more capable of managing employee skills, training, relationship, and performance from the country of origin too. In conclusion, human resources management could be more efficient and effective than before.


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