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Case Study:Travis Kalanick and Uber Question 2 with chinese translation

Is ride-hailing likely to become a commodity service? If so, how will companies such as Lyft and Uber differentiate themselves in the market?

Ride-hailing just may turn into a commodity service, very much like the taxis where there truly is no brand separation. Lyft, Uber, and any novices should separate their image, or they might put in any amount of work in the taxi business.

While the two administrations appear to be indistinguishable, there are significant contrasts. Uber is more extravagant in highlights and accessible in more urban areas. Uber and Lyft to hitch many rides throughout the most recent seven years. Uber and Lyft are, generally, in dead heat as far as their center elements.

To gather a vehicle, you tap the application on your cell phone and enter an objective and pickup area. To smooth out demands, both applications let you save as often as possible utilized areas, similar to your home or office.

The two of them additionally let you add numerous drop-offs focuses on the off chance that you are imparting a vehicle to several companions. Furthermore, to encourage carpooling Uber have Uber Pool, and Lyft have Shared-ride.

At the point when an excursion is finished, installment occurs through the application, and you get a messaged receipt archiving the course. Uber incorporates a button to allow you to part the expense of the admission with different riders, which is helpful when you're out with a gathering. Lyft ended its charge parting highlight last year and said it intended to deliver a further developed adaptation this year.

All in all, you set aside cash by strolling a cycle to make the course more effective for the driver. Lyft is right now testing a comparative element in three urban areas.

Generally significant, Uber allows individuals to demand wheelchair-open vehicles in around 15 of its top urban areas. In San Francisco, wheelchair-open vehicles were accessible in numerous spaces. Lyft, which declined to comment for this section, has an exceptionally restricted wheelchair-openness program.

As far as ride-bringing highlights, Uber wins. Its more extensive wheelchair-openness is like the choice presented by customary cabs. Also, Lyft's absence of toll dividing settles on Uber the application of decision for bunch trips.

Pricing works

On a very basic level, Uber, and Lyft charge generally similar rates: Riders pay a toll dependent on the term and distance of a ride. It's at the point at which the organizations raise costs that things get really confusing.

At the point when insufficient vehicles are free in a space with the appeal, the two organizations utilize a framework known as unique evaluating, which increases costs as per market interest. Uber calls its training flood valuing, and Lyft's form is named Prime Time.

Previously, when Uber tolls "flooded," the application showed a multiplier, for instance, 3X, which means the admission was triple the typical expense. At the point when costs flood now, Uber doesn't show a multiplier and on second thought provides just the greater expense estimate front and center. 

The decision: Lyft wins, partially for more noteworthy straightforwardness. The dubiousness can make things really befuddling, particularly when costs are higher in view of sudden conditions like weighty traffic.

Also, in light of the fact that Uber is by and large more well known in many urban areas, its markup is regularly essentially higher than Lyft's, which means riders are ordinarily in an ideal situation bringing a Lyft when vehicles are sought after.

Rewards and loyalty programs

Like aircraft that reward faithful clients, Uber and Lyft offer a few treats to visiting riders.

Uber gives a layered prizes framework. For frequent clients, Uber and Lyft will offer rebates, cashback, or discounts to them. Loyal points can redeem prizes too. However, up to this point, the component is accessible in a couple of urban areas, and Lyft clients can join the program just once they get a greeting through email or the application. Incessant riders will help more from Uber's prizes program, which is more thorough and convincing.


In 2017, Uber was covered in shock and later humiliation. Among them: A previous worker basic necessity an uncontrolled culture of uncalled-for lead; the affiliation was revealed to have utilized a mysterious program to perceive law doing trained professionals and try not to sting activities; and it disclosed that computer programmers had taken information from 57 million driver and client accounts and maintained up with the break mystery for over a year. Uber's past CEO, Travis Kalanick, needed to leave.

Lyft has a cleaner history. Last year, The Information organized that some Lyft workers had inappropriately gotten client information, including rides taken by their perfect partners and high-profile pioneers like Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg. The association investigated the charges and added limits to laborer induction to data.

To the degree highlights, reward endeavors, and accessibility, Uber has an edge over Lyft. Whether or not you favor Lyft in your old neighborhood for moral reasons, it might be calmly disapproved to keep the Uber application on your telephone on the off chance that you travel to someplace like London, Paris, or Tokyo.

Other Question


Despite the negative publicity surrounding Uber, consumers continue to utilize the company’s services. Is this surprising?


Is ride-hailing likely to become a commodity service? If so, how will companies such as Lyft and Uber differentiate themselves in the market?


Do you think either Uber or Lyft will emerge as the leading global ride-hailing brand? Or will the sector be characterized by local and regional brands such as China’s Didi or India’s Ola?