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Define with example these five (5) concepts of Total Quality Management


Six sigma六西格玛

Six sigma is a technique used to continuously improve the process, decrease the failure rate, and mistakes, and improve the quality so on. Six sigma has a few very difficult conditions to achieve the six sigma such as only 3.4% of defects being allowed every million opportunities. It may have a few components in achieving six sigma, which are the define, measure, analyze, improve and also control. For example, the company that has obtained the six sigma certification is the dabbawalas.

六西格玛是一种用于持续改进过程、降低故障率、错误和提高质量等的技术。六西格玛几乎没有非常困难的条件来实现六西格玛,例如每百万次机会中只有 3.4% 的缺陷被允许。实现六西格玛的要素可能很少,即定义、测量、分析、改进和控制。例如,获得六西格玛认证的公司是达巴瓦拉斯。

Employee empowerment员工授权

Employee empowerment is to give the employees a certain degree of the freedom and power to make their own decisions based on their own perspectives without asking for top leaders. This technique can increase quality but also with a higher risk if the employee is not good enough to hold the work and project. This technique may be helpful to decrease the reaction time to a certain decision or changer, especially while the range between employees is far away which can save more time and cost. For example, the company gives the employee the right to access the data, and manage and hire extra employees.


Continuous Improvement 持续性改进

Continuous improvement is a process that implements non-stop improvement to everything such as the product, process, services, and so on. This technique usually starts with observing, collecting, and finding solutions to improve everything and trying to break through the barrier to another stage to obtain improvement. There are actually many tools to help in the implementation of continuous improvement. FOr example, the PDCA model is to plan, do, check, and act. This technique should take more time to be mature and see its effectiveness sometimes.


Just-In-Time (JIT)准时制 (JIT)

Just in time is a technique that is more related to the process, especially appearing often in the supply chain and production line. It was some kind of pulling system or method. This is because, in the just-in-time technique, the supply will only appear while there is a need, which means that needed to pull the supply. There will be no or less stock for future use. This technique will allow the reduction of the inventory level but it was asking for a higher skill and condition in the management of the employee. The just-in-time technique will be more effective if the process can be shortened and simplified. For example, while the material is almost finished and another batch of material has come just at the right time.


Taguchi Concepts田口概念

Taguchi concepts are design methods that are used to improve the product and process. It can be done by identifying the key component and process variables so on. It was focused on identifying and finding out every inefficient or defect and trying to decrease and eliminate the error. Sometimes the Taguchi concept is also known as robustness design which is actually having the ability to continuously produce the product without being affected by the annoying environment.
