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Explain in detail the 5c’s of credit that lenders look for in the business when they are considering giving you a loan for business.



The first C of credit the lender looks at is usually the character. Characters refer to the characteristics of the borrower. It includes how honest, potential, hardworking, ethnic the borrower is. It is usually the first thing that the lender will look into the borrower.

贷方查看的第一个信用 C 通常是字符。 特征是指借款人的特征。 它包括借款人的诚实、潜力、勤奋和种族。 这通常是贷方调查借款人的第一件事。


Second C will be the condition. This refers to the condition or regulation that shows the eligibility of the borrower to borrow the loan. For example, the ebelia from the government is also having the condition that only claimable by people between 18 to 20 or the full-time student in higher education.

第二个 C 将是条件。 这是指表明借款人有资格借入贷款的条件或法规。 例如,政府的ebelia也有条件,只有18至20岁的人或高等教育的全日制学生才能领取。


Third C of credit will be the capital. This refers to how much money or funds that you have invested and put into your business. This could be one of the most important elements to show to the lender because this will tell them how serious the borrower was. In other words, if the borrower also is not putting much money into their business, how do they want other lenders to invest in their business?

信用的第三个 C 将是资本。 这是指您已投资并投入到您的业务中的金钱或资金。 这可能是向贷方展示的最重要元素之一,因为这将告诉他们借款人的认真程度。 换句话说,如果借款人也没有在他们的业务上投入太多资金,他们如何希望其他贷方投资他们的业务?


Fourth will be the capacity. It refers to how the company operates, and generates the income, or what type the income was. The capacity shows the lender about the method, probability, and speed that the borrower could repay back the loan. For example,  by looking at the financial performance of the company.

第四是容量。 它指的是公司如何运作,如何产生收入,或者收入是什么类型。 能力向贷方显示借款人偿还贷款的方法、概率和速度。 例如,通过查看公司的财务业绩。


Fifth c of the credit will be the collateral. This was some kind of guarantee for the lender to ensure their lending could be worth it if the borrower could not repay the loan back at the promised time. Sometimes this was really influenced by the relationship and understanding between the borrower and lender.

信用证的第五个 c 将是抵押品。 这是对贷款人的某种保证,以确保如果借款人无法在承诺的时间偿还贷款,他们的贷款是值得的。 有时这确实受到借款人和贷款人之间的关系和理解的影响。

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