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Four Basic Process Strategies-Simple Explaination with examples

Process focus过程重点

Process focus is used to deal with the low volume and high variety production. It usually only involves a few or fewer types of input but it can produce a high variety of the product. It would also have higher flexibility for the adaptation and a faster reaction time to the changing environment. For example the printing and hospital. Sometimes it was also called a job shop because it allows customization, and each product will be more unique.


Repetitive focus重复焦点

Repetitive focus is falling between the process focus and the product focus which is in the middle. This is because most of the processes in repetitive focus were not changing much but needed to repeat and repeat again non-stop by using the different modules to produce different products. So that the repetitive focus will require a higher input such as material and certain amounts of types of the output will be having. For Example, the automobile company and the fast-food company.


Product focus产品重点

Product focus is used to deal with high volume and low variety production. It was a type of continuous process that actually required higher both fixed and variable costs and was usually only used for long-run companies. For example, the factory or facilities used to produce glass, steel, bulb so on.


Mass customization大规模定制

Mass customization is used to deal with high volume and high variety production. There will be a lot of different types of input and also the output. Usually, this type of production is related to electronic products which require a lot of components to be integrated into one product. For example, the smartphone and computer companies such as HUAWEI. Mass customization also has higher flexibility and the ability to adapt to meet the customer needs and wants which are better for marketing and sales.
