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The importance of instructional planning

Summarize Point:

  • ensure the understanding of the knowledge for the trainee
  • Effective allocation of resources
  • Function As guideline 
  • Increase effectiveness and efficiency.

Planning is always important and good to implement before doing anything such as training and learning. Firstly, good instructional planning should be able to ensure the understanding of the knowledge for the trainee. This is because well instructional planning will have arranged on the content on which should first and last. It was not possible such as the trainer teaching the trainee about where the tools are, and next tell the trainee to make a table but arrange the content nicely and transfer the knowledge step by step, stage by stage without jumping around. In another word, instructional planning is to ensure that the training can be more effective and efficient.


Other than importance for trainees, instructional planning is also important for the trainer and organizer. Good instructional planning can provide the information for the organizer to allocate the resources more correctly. For example, the second level of training is outside the room which needs to have more people to take care of, so the organizer should be able to allocate more people to work on the second level of training. In another word, instructional planning can provide a guideline to the organizer of training or learning to make a more effective and efficient decision.


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