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Interpret the necessary steps for creating effective training program.

The first step of creating an effective training program is to always perform training needs assessments. It was to analyze the identity what is the need for training, find the gap, and make sure the training is fit with the needs of the organization and business. For example, organizations need to design websites, so the gap will be programming.

创建有效培训计划的第一步是始终执行培训需求评估。 这是为了分析身份需要培训,找出差距,并确保培训符合组织和业务的需求。 例如,组织需要设计网站,因此差距将是编程。

Next is to develop a plan for training. In this step. The organizer needs to determine learning objectives, material, delivery method, budget, timeline, and so on. List down all information needed so that the program is more transparent and easier to found if there have any mistakes.

接下来是制定培训计划。 在这一步。 组织者需要确定学习目标、材料、交付方式、预算、时间表等。 列出所有需要的信息,以便程序更透明,如果有任何错误更容易被发现。

The third is to implement and monitor. After identifying, planning, then I need to implement the training. However, it will not be totally the same as what plans have so that the monitor is always important to make sure the training is not out of control, happen any emergencies, and bring a negative impact.

三是落实和监督。 在确定、规划之后,我需要实施培训。 但是,它不会与计划完全相同,因此监视器始终很重要,以确保培训不会失控,不会发生任何紧急情况并带来负面影响。

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