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IPK Academy Evaluation/Review - Does IPk College Good? College students personally answer for you Course Fee payment and Existing courses

 IPK College review

Many Malaysian students finish their secondary school but don’t know which university to go to?  At the same time, you received an invitation from IPK College? But should you go to IPK College? Or choose other more famous colleges? Here to tell you.

First of all, we can understand the structure of IPK College. IPK College currently has hundreds of students and dozens of teachers. The scale is not big or small. It is better to say that the ratio is just right. IPK College is currently at an upper-middle level and has won many awards and honors. There are also many IPK students going abroad for further study, especially in the subject of Financial Accounting that has caught up to a high level.

Advantage 1: Easy access to teachers, less pressure

Compared with large colleges with many students, sometimes it is difficult for students to get in touch with teachers, and it is also difficult for students to ask questions. In this regard, IPK College has better conditions. If you are a person who likes to ask questions and prefers to interact with teachers, IPK College is a good choice. In addition, because it is easy to get in touch with the teacher, you can easily contact the teacher if you don't understand it so that learning can be simpler and clearer, so the pressure is less and you don't need to get all the information by yourself.

Advantage 2: Short study time

Diploma and degree courses in most colleges can take up to 3-5 years. That is to say, after graduating at the age of 17 and completing the diploma, it is less than 21 years old. But if you choose to study IPK, the advantage is that the diploma only takes two years, and yes, it is only two years. After completing the diploma, you will be almost 20 years old, faster than other colleges. In other words, you can have an advantage over others in terms of time, and you can choose to continue the degree course or work.

Advantage 3: The tuition is relatively cheap

In other colleges, the price of a diploma course may reach around 35,000 MYR to 50,000 MYR. In comparison, the Diploma course of IPK Academy will be cheaper, about 25,000 MYR. This is especially important for students with poorer backgrounds. Lower prices and good diplomas are very useful for future jobs.

Advantage 4: Provide both diploma and degree courses

Sometimes in one place for a long time, it will produce habituation and dependence. If you graduated with the IPK academy diploma, you don’t need to change to another college to study. You can get to know the new environment and friends and teachers. You can directly pull up a few of your friends and continue to study in the IPK. The same familiar environment classroom and friends always give people a lot of peace of mind.

Advantage 5: less competitive

Large colleges have a large number of students or even thousands, and competition for scholarships and awards will be very high. In contrast, although the number of IPKs is small, as long as you really work hard to make progress, it is easier to highlight your talents in the crowd. In fact, there was a student named Jimmy Teoh who was born with ear disease but was very motivated. He received a scholarship from the college to allow him to continue his studies in the UK.

Advantage 6: Possibility of part-time work

The advantage is that for Degree students, the Degree course at IPK College is roughly 7-10pm. This time allows college students to work in the morning and attend classes in the evening, accumulate experience, and then accumulate knowledge to obtain a diploma. After all, diploma experience is very important and they can only get a salary.

Of course, the final decision is still in your own hands, and you need to think clearly before making a choice. According to one's own interests and future plans are the most important. Finally, I would like to give men a tip. If you come to IPK to study and want to find a girlfriend, the Financial Accounting course is a very good choice. Now IPK Academy has 4 courses, Accounting, Business, Hotel Management, and Computer Science.

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