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Why International human resource management important to all managers? Answer and translate

Human resources were one of the most important departments or gear in the firm and organization to manage the employee, especially while the organization goes internationally. This is because while organizations go internationally, they will have access to foreign resources and hiring. Worldwide are having many different types of people in terms of skills, personality, perspective, and so on. This has caused the complexity of the human resources management has increased to another stage level such as cross-cultural management, strategic environment analysis, and others element.


While human resources went on the international stage, the managers need to deal with many aspects of elements that are different from domestic human resources. For example, the aspect of rule and regulation, cultural difference, salary, and training approach, and so on will be the problem. For example, salary payment approach, overseas employment allowance, and so on. Especially while there was improper handling of employee treatment issues, it would quite be possible to cause an international dispute which able to impact on the company reputation and cause loss. This has shown that how important is the manages to handle the working hour, salary, and benefit of the foreign workers.


Other than that, the international human resources management allow the managers to hire the foreign employee to fulfill the company needs and wants. However, which nationality employee to be hiring for what position will be another challenge. The choosing of the managers in manage international human resources will directly influence the operation of the company and subsidiaries that spread through different countries. Each type of hiring would have its pros and cons, to control this is one of the roles of managers. For example, hiring the host country national could have a better understanding of rules and culture of the foreign subsidiary to make the work progress more smoothly. It was really important for the managers to hire suitable employees to correct positions to avoid the cost of selection errors.


In conclusion, the management of international human resources is the most effective method that the managers to recruit, retain suitable employee resources for the company to ensure the productivity, performance, and sustainability of the company to remain growth even on the worldwide international stage.


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