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(Isabelle Case Study)-Five(5) problems do you think she would have anticipated in conducting research into pressure and coping among managers that her literature review may not have identified?

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The biggest problem would be the communication between the target and her. Usually, people do not want to reveal their own secrets and story in front of unknown people. So that it would be hard while communicating with the interviewee about their story which needs to have a high skill in communicating. It is not easy to let other people tell their own stories without offending the other party.



Even more, the people have their own life and business, especially those people work in the big organization are really schedule and arrange their time because of busy in work. In this situation, Isabelle would be hard to make an appointment with them.


Sample Size样本量

Since the appointment was hard, the sample size could be another problem. Good research should contain a certain sample size. However, a small sample size usually could not represent anything due to it being just a niche. The small sample size could affect the accuracy and reliability of the result. In this case, the worst thing could be the result of the research will be wasted.


Perspective Issues观点问题

Moreover, the conclusion of the result would be more complex. Qualitative research could have a deeper understanding and diversified answers, but it was harder to arrange to compare with quantitative results. In this situation, different readers or listeners could have their own opinion and perspective view.


Bias Issues偏见问题

This means that Isabelle will require to have a mature psychologist to judge the result without any partial and bias inside it. Due to the different opinions of the reader and listener, sometimes it could lead to a sensitive issue especially the “keyboard warrior” on the internet. In this case, the main researcher's opinion would be much important.

这意味着 Isabelle 将需要有一位成熟的心理学家来判断结果,而不会有任何偏颇和偏见。由于读者和听众的不同意见,有时可能会引发敏感问题,尤其是互联网上的“键盘侠”。在这种情况下,主要研究人员的意见将非常重要。

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