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国际商务重点笔记International Business Note - Chapter 1 (附华语解释)





International Business

(Also known as a global business)

Refer to the trading of goods and services between different countries/cross countries (over the national border) by importing and exporting action.




Function of International Business

1.       Increase the income in financial aspect


2.      Fulfill country demanding


3.      Consume local over supply


4.       Improve international communication and relationship (Resource exchange)


5.       Price control


Type of trade

Import and Export trade

Cross country selling or buying.



Transit trade

While goods of seller country (A) just pass through the intermediary country(C) to sell in target country (B). This kind of trade is transit trade to intermediary country

而卖方国(A)的货物只是通过中间国(C)在目标国(B)销售。 这种贸易是到中间国的过境贸易/


Processing trade

Trade that importing all the raw material, gear and parts…… from other country and process into product in mainland to re-exporting.



Visible and invisible trade

Goods or services trade / tangible or intangible trade. (Such as patent and insurance)

商品或服务贸易/有形或无形贸易。 (如专利和保险)


Direct and indirect trade

Trade direct from seller country to purchase country / indirect trade refer to the seller country purchase goods wanted by buyer country from another intermediary country to sell to buyer country.



Bilateral and multilateral trade

Trading between two country / trading involved more than two countries


Balance of trade

Refer to the gap between import and export in certain period


Favorable balance of trade贸易顺差

Import less than export

Export More than import


Unfavorable balance of trade贸易逆差

Import more than export

Export less than Import




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