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FIVE (5) the types of common software piracy. 五常见软件盗版的类型。

Soft lifting

  • The first software piracy will be soft lifting which is actually the most common piracy that happens. It happens when users copy the licensed software and install it to other or multiple users which actually violates the licensing agreement.
  • 第一个软件盗版将是软提升,这实际上是最常见的盗版。当用户复制许可软件并将其安装给其他或多个用户时,实际上这种情况是违反了许可协议。

Client-server overuse

  • The second will be client-server overuse. It means too many people are sharing the same central copy of the software. For example, 100 people sharing payments and using the same account to watch Netflix.
  • 第二个将是客户端 - 服务器过度使用。这意味着太多人共享软件的同一个中央副本。例如,100 人共享付款并使用同一帐户观看 Netflix。

Hard-disk loading

  • The third will be hard-disk loading. It happens while users purchase legal copies of software but yet install onto other hard disks and sell the computer hard disk with pre-installed software. Usually can be seen in PC shop especially the window program.
  • 第三是硬盘加载。它发生在用户购买软件的合法副本但安装到其他硬盘上并销售预装软件的计算机硬盘时。通常可以在PC商店中看到特别是窗口程序。

online piracy

  • Fourth, online piracy. It means people make the fake copy and upload it to the internet and spread through the internet. It is actually the most serious piracy until today because no one can take full control of the internet.
  • 第四,网络盗版。这意味着人们制作虚假副本并将其上传到互联网并通过互联网传播。这实际上是迄今为止最严重的盗版,因为没有人可以完全控制互联网。


  • Fifth is counterfeit, which is to produce fake copies of the programs or software but make it look authentic.
  • 第五是伪造,即制作程序或软件的伪造副本,但使其看起来是真实的。

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