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5 main concept of economics definition and explianation


Economics is the study of how to use limited resources to fulfill the unlimited wants and needs of the people. Economics is also focused on the allocation of resources, consumption, and production of the resources. It can be divided into microeconomic and macroeconomic. For example, there is a book with Rm 8 and a pencil box with Rm7, the individual only has Rm10 and only can buy one item but he chooses to buy a book with Rm8 and the opportunity cost will be the pencil box.

经济学是研究如何利用有限的资源来满足人们无限的需求。经济学还关注资源的分配、消费和资源的生产。它可以分为微观经济和宏观经济。例如,有一本 8 元的书和一个 7 元的铅笔盒,个人只有 10 元,只能购买一件物品,但他选择用 8 元购买一本书,机会成本将是铅笔盒。


Microeconomics is one part of economics but it focuses more on the individual behavior and perspective on the economic decision and to study how the factors interact with the individual decision. For example, the individual wants to buy another additional product because of the promotion and lower price.



Macroeconomics is the study of the preference, behavior, and interaction of the international perspective as a whole which was more based on the overall view of the world compared with the microeconomics which was only based on a smaller group of people. For example, the interest rate, and gross domestic product are included in the macroeconomics.


Market economy市场经济

The market economy is a type of economic system that gives more freedom to the firm to make economic decisions on resource allocation, production, and so on. For example, the firm in the market economy will have the power to make changes to the price of the goods or products in the market based on the changing in the market.


Command economy.指令经济

A Command economy is a type of economy that has less freedom on making economic decisions because most of the decisions will be planned and made by the government. For example, what to produce, what is the price, what is the quantity to produce the product, and so on will be controlled by the government based on the country's overall perspective.


With examples, describe the FOUR (4) resources used to produce goods and services.

The four resources used to produce goods and services will be land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.用于生产商品和服务的四种资源将是土地、劳动力、资本和企业家。

The Land can be defined as the resources that are used to create products and services to supply. Resources can also divide into renewable and non-renewable resources. For example, oil, wood, tree, farm, and so on is one of the elements in the land. Land can be influenced by the property, weather, and so on.


Second, the labor, which can also be defined as the workforce, the human resources who do and operate the work. The labor can be divided into many types but usually have two common divides which are high-education and low-education labor. For example, high education labor will have more specific skills in the field such as accounting, and programming. However, the low-education forces are more to the common knowledge and physical work.


Third, the capital can divide into cash and assets. The equipment, machinery, and interest are also included in the capital. Some of the business fields require higher capital to start and enter but some of them do. For example, the monopoly business needs to have higher capital to enter, but the perfect competition usually does not, such as hawkers.


The fourth will be the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are the person who integrates the other three-factor, capital, land, and labor, and use them to produce the product or services. The entrepreneur earns a profit and takes higher risks than the worker. Entrepreneurs can be influenced by many factors such as the type of competition, type of product, and so on.


Discuss are some common logistics measures in transportation, warehousing, and inventory management and information?

The measure in the transportation will be the cost, labor, energy, equipment, transit time, and transit length. When a logistics company wants to send goods to another destination. They will first think about what equipment to use, such as a train, lorry, van, plane and so on. Based on the transportation equipment chosen, the need for labor and energy to make sure the goods are sent to the destination is also different. For example, if the train was used to send the goods, there will need more labor to control the transportation equipment, and the energy here is coal or electric based on the type of train. Other than that, the transit time and length is also essential element. When the length is long and goods are more, mostly the place and train will be used if possible, as this will also affect the transit time because the plane and train are faster than the lorry. For the cost, the total expenses of the asset, fuel, and labor will be the cost.


Moreover, the warehousing will be measured by using the labor, cost, utilization, and facility. A warehouse is a place that integrates and hoards the goods, which means it needs the worker to manage and take care of a lot of the goods to make sure the goods are in good condition. To do this, some of the special goods need to be stored at specific requirements places such as the bag of ice cubes will be needed to store in the ice store to make sure ice won’t melt before sending to the hand of the customer. However, to maintain the warehouse, the utilization is needed such as the water, and electricity. The total expenses of the labor and utilization fee will also be the cost to manage the warehouse.


Last will be the measure of inventory management. It will be the cost, services, and information. The cost is one of the most important elements in inventory management which will influence the profit and income of the company, especially the inventory holding cost is one of the most common and biggest costs in inventory management. The lesser cost the better.  Information here is how the data is collected from the management of the inventory input and output. For example, through the sales, the company may find the inventory turnover rate, also when was the best suitable time and rate to restock the inventory. Other than this example, there will also have average inventory, day-to-day sales, and so on.


Industries Master Plan 3 was launched in 2006 and rids on the theme ‘Malaysia towards global competitiveness. Discuss the objective of implementing IMP3 and the strategies of IMP3


The industry's master plan 3 in Malaysia is actually to increase the competitiveness in the global perspective, in terms of trading, financial power, technology advancement, position and etc. This is because that Malaysia as a multicultural country which is over a hundred years of history, actually has more potential to be dug out and space to improve, and one of the purposes of this industrial master plan 3 is to get the effective use of these industrial potentials in Malaysia.


There are many strategies that have been implemented in these industrial master plans 3. One of them will be to generate and attract more investment. To develop the country, one of the most important resources will be the capital. However, sometimes it would be hard to fully handle by the government individually so that the investment is needed to implement the development.

在这些工业总体规划中实施了许多战略 3。其中之一将是产生和吸引更多投资。要发展国家,最重要的资源之一将是首都。然而,有时政府很难单独完全处理,因此需要投资来实施开发。

The second strategy is to develop our own human capital and resources.  Malaysia as a new country has a lot of resources, but Malaysia is lacking its own superior, elite labor. So, it will be a high dependency on foreign labor, and this was actually not very good for the Malaysian economy. To solve this problem, the government has tried to develop its own human capital by enhancing the education system, etc.


Third, the first and second industrial master plan has created a good fundamental for industrial growth. The third industrial master plan is starting to try to ensure the growth of the industry becomes more sustainable, and not be easily broken down and so on. This is to ensure the production and income that come from industrial will not be simply cut down by some challenge and bring a sustainable income to the country.


Fourth, Malaysia's industry has been growing to a certain level and produces a lot of products and materials. Then, we need another platform for the consumption of those products which is the service sector. In Industrial plan 3, they are trying to focus enhancement on the service sector as the major source of growth.

第四,马来西亚的工业已经发展到一定程度,生产了大量的产品和材料。然后,我们需要另一个平台来消费这些产品,那就是服务业。在工业计划 3 中,他们正试图将增强服务业作为主要增长来源。

Fifth, the industrial master plan is trying to integrate the companies in Malaysia. At that time, the companies are appearing like the rain falling, which is a lot. However, there will be just fewer of them that could be successful and most of them will fall down. So that, to ensure the growth can be more smooth with some competitiveness, the integration of companies is a must to increase the survival rate and make the resources consume more effective and efficient.


Define what is meant by dead inventory. What are several ways to manage it?

Dead inventory was the inventory that was unable to sell effectively and efficiently and caused the accumulated inventory which will increase the holding or carrying cost in inventory management.


Dead inventory was caused by some reason or factors such as the sudden change of trend causing low demand of products or services, defective products, natural disasters that change purchasing behavior, and so on


Usually, there are a few ways to manage it. First, companies can offer free shipping of the product to make the product look cheaper. This shall be able to increase the attraction of the product to the customer to increase sales. Other than that, the company could also create the bundle product or use it as a free gift. This way can increase the sales of another product while decreasing the dead inventory. For example, the metal straw was lacking in demand and became dead inventory, so the company can promote buying two packs of milo and free a few metal straws. Other than that, companies can also donate the dead inventory to do some charity to fulfill the social responsibility to shape a better image. And it was the last step, to return the dead inventory to the supplier. However, not all suppliers will accept the return as well; it will affect their business inventory also.


Principle of Macroeconomic : Example of Exam Question with Answer(华语翻译)


P.s.Answer is only for referring, please do not claim as own result

  1. Describe the function of the Federal Reserve.

The first function of the federal reserve will be to manage the supply of the currency. By controlling the supply of currency, it could also maintain the value of the currency and maintain financial stability. Moreover, the federal reserve is actually ack as the government fiscal agent, helping to conduct the monetary policy, managing other member banks, setting and adjusting the legal requirement of reserve amount in every member bank, collecting and clearing the check, and so on.

美联储的第一个职能是管理货币供应。 通过控制货币供应量,还可以保持货币的价值,维护金融稳定。 此外,美联储实际上是政府财政代理人,帮助执行货币政策,管理其他成员银行,设置和调整每个成员银行的法定准备金要求,收取和清算支票等。

  1. Explain how the Federal successfully responded to the collapse of major financial institutions in 2008.

The financial institution in 2008 brought a financial crisis to the whole world. It has caused a drop in the value of the stock price and caused a huge loss for the institution that holds the securities. Even more, our government has been forced to take control over those companies to show their determination to deal with this financial crisis such as the Fannie Mae cooperative.  As a response, the federal government has encouraged the people to invest more, and consume more. To achieve this, the federal government has the main focus on increasing the confidence of the securities holder and reducing the losses of those securities holders as well. Federals also try to reduce the tax and increase government expenditure to stimulate the economy, market, and employment.

2008年的金融机构给全世界带来了金融危机。 它造成了股价的下跌,并给持有证券的机构造成了巨大的损失。 更有什者,我们的政府被迫接管这些公司,以显示他们应对这场金融危机的决心,比如房利美合作社。 作为回应,联邦政府鼓励人们增加投资,增加消费。 为实现这一目标,联邦政府的主要重点是提高证券持有人的信心并减少这些证券持有人的损失。 联邦政府还试图通过减税和增加政府支出来刺激经济、市场和就业。

  1. Based on your perception, bitcoin is real money.

In my opinion, money works as a medium of exchange and a tool to measure value. If other tools could do this, I could also say it is also some type of money. Bitcoin has value, even though it was always fluctuating and is unstable, bitcoin could measure its value so that some people are willing to sell products or buy products using bitcoin. However, the value measures of bitcoin are not as perfect and complete as the fiat money system. It means that bitcoin is high in risk, and poor stores of value, yet it could exchange for the product, even exchange into “real money”.

在我看来,金钱是一种交换媒介和衡量价值的工具。 如果其他工具可以做到这一点,我也可以说它也是某种类型的钱。 比特币是有价值的,尽管它总是在波动并且不稳定,但比特币可以衡量它的价值,以便一些人愿意使用比特币出售产品或购买产品。 然而,比特币的价值衡量指标并不像法定货币体系那样完善和完整。 这意味着比特币风险高,价值储存能力差,但它可以兑换产品,甚至可以兑换成“真钱”。

Before the flat money system appeared and was used, people also used the barter system, commodity, or gold as a type of money. However, those “money” in different systems also have a different form and look, but it does not influence what they are using as a medium of exchange. So in my conclusion, bitcoin could be money, but just a different form of “money” compared to the fiat money system.


在扁平货币制度出现和使用之前,人们也将易货制度、商品或黄金作为一种货币。 但是,不同系统中的那些“钱”也有不同的形式和外观,但这并不影响它们作为交换媒介的用途。 因此,在我的结论中,比特币可能是货币,但与固定货币系统相比,它只是一种不同形式的“货币”。 

Five (5) important of a business plan to an entrepreneurship

Communicate the benchmarks and objectives

The first importance of the business plan should be to communicate the benchmarks and objectives to others. Usually, a big company will have hundreds seven thousand of employees working together. In this situation, communication becomes complex and hard. So that the business plan is able to become a tool of communication to ensure the instruction can be transferred accurately and correctly because everyone reads the same business plan but does not listen to different perspectives.

商业计划的首要任务应该是将基准和目标传达给其他人。 通常,一家大公司会有数十万七千名员工一起工作。 在这种情况下,沟通变得复杂而艰难。 使商业计划书能够成为一种沟通工具,确保指令能够准确无误地传递,因为每个人都阅读相同的商业计划书,但不会听取不同的观点。

Identify the critical

The second importance of the business plan will be to identify the critical. A business plan is always connected with many of the different departments and elements which is actually complex. So that the business plan should be able to provide an overall view of the plan to help the decision-maker to find out the problem easier. Having or not a business plan is different just like you watch the landscape on the floor or on the tower, only can see in front or can see more than that.


Provide guidelines 

Another importance of the business plan is to provide guidelines for the decision-maker. Inside a business plan will have a lot of information such as the demand and supply which should be able to help decision-makers to decide how much should be produced and the price to be set for the product. It will be totally more effective and accurate to make decisions compared with making decisions whatever they want.


Ensure financial sustainability

Fourth, the business plan is important to ensure financial sustainability. The business plan can show up the relationship between the financial and every activity. This shall be able to decrease the big fluctuations in the financial and avoid some unnecessary loss to the company financially. 


Comprehensive understanding of the whole plan

Fifth, the business plan is important to increase and improve the understanding of the plan to every concerned person. As already mentioned, the business plan allows people to have an overall view of the plan which means that people could understand the plan from different perspectives but not only their own perspective. For example, the financial department is also able to understand the marketing department's strategy so that it is easier to allocate financial resources. Lastly, the business plan is actually also to improve the cooperation between employees and make them work more efficiently and effectively.


Discuss the THREE (3) stages of activities for strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation activities讨论战略制定、实施和评估活动的三个 (3) 阶段

The first stage will be the strategy formulation. It was to identify the opportunities, threats, strengths,s, and weaknesses of the organization to understand the organization's situation as the fundamental to further generate and form the best arrangement of the resources and strategies to achieve the target. For example, guerilla marketing strategies are suitable for a company that wants to reduce marketing costs or has a low marketing budget. In this stage, it would relate to business opportunities identified, risk and return measurement, allocation of resources, etc.


The second stage will be the strategy implementation. In these stages, the plan and concept will be brought into real situations. the organization will perform all the arranged business activities according to the strategic plan. However, sometimes the plan can’t perfectly keep up with the situation changing, so the strategy implementation may face many unexpected obstacles. Usually, it could also be divided into business-level strategies or operational strategies.  Also, strategy implementation would be the hardest of these 3 stages. In these stages, strategy and information communication would be the critical element.


The third stage will be the strategy evaluation. After the implementation of the strategy, the evaluation would be needed to reflect the performance and effectiveness of the strategic plan implementation through the continually gathering and observing of the data and information. The result of the evaluation of the strategy would be useful for the further decision on the strategic plan such as the adaptation of the strategy or elimination of the strategic plan. It could be done through the survey, consumer reviews, sales, etc.


What is The changes in the inflation rate- Explaination of Demand pull/ Cost push inflation, Expansionary fiscal Policy

Based on the changes in the inflation rate from 1936 to 1939, there are three main causes which are demand-pull, cost-push, and expansionary fiscal policy. Following is the elaboration of the three main causes of the inflation rate:

Demand-Pull Inflation 

Strong consumer demand for a product or service can lead to demand-pull inflation. Demand-pull inflation occurs when a surge in demand for goods occurs across an economy, causing prices to rise. When unemployment is low and wages are rising, consumer confidence is high, which leads to increased spending. Absolutely, consumer spending in a given economy is directly affected by economic expansion, which can result in a surge in product and service demand.


As demand for a particular good or service grows, the available supply shrinks. According to the supply and demand economic principle, when there are fewer items available, consumers are willing to pay more for them. Prices have risen as a result of demand-pull inflation.


Besides that, companies play a role in inflation as well, mainly if they produce popular goods. Simply because consumers are willing to pay the higher price, a company can raise its prices. Apart from this, when the item for sale is something that consumers require on a daily basis, such as oil and gas, corporations can freely raise prices. The demand from consumers, on the other hand, gives corporations the power to raise prices.


Cost-Push Inflation

When prices rise as a result of increasing production costs, such as raw materials and wages, this is known as cost-push inflation. As production costs rise, the demand for goods remains unchanged, while the supply of goods decreases. As a result, higher finished goods prices are passed on to consumers as a result of higher production costs.


In addition, wages also have an impact on production costs and are typically a company's single most significant expense. If the economy is doing well and the a low unemployment rate, labor or work shortages can occur. Companies, in turn, raise wages to attract qualified candidates, resulting in higher production costs. Cost-plus inflation occurs when a company increases prices in response to rising employee wages.



Expansionary Fiscal Policy

Governments can increase the amount of discretionary income for both businesses and consumers by enacting expansionary fiscal policies. Companies may spend tax cuts on capital improvements, employee compensation, or new hiring if the government lowers taxes. Additionally, customers have the option of purchasing more items. Increased government spending on infrastructure projects could also help to boost the economy. As a consequence, demand for goods and services could rise, resulting in price increases.


Central banks can lower interest rates by pursuing an expansionary monetary policy. The Federal Reserve, for example, can reduce the cost of lending for banks, allowing them to lend more money to businesses and consumers. More money is available throughout the economy, which leads to increased spending and demand for goods and services.


Based on your opinion, suggest the strategy that need implement by Malaysia Government to increase the GDP

To increase the GDP, the Malaysian government should first stabilize and improve the economic situation and recover it after the impact of the Covid-19. This is because the stable economic situation could attract more investment, more enterprises to start a new business, and obtain the trust from them in Malaysia's economic situation.

为了增加国内生产总值,马来西亚政府应首先稳定和改善经济状况,并在 Covid-19 的影响后恢复。这是因为稳定的经济形势可以吸引更多的投资,更多的企业开展新业务,并获得他们对马来西亚经济形势的信任。

After that, the Malaysian government could have decreased the tax. Usually, the bigger company will need to pay higher taxes, which is normal. However, if the government could decrease the tax on the company and personnel, it may probably encourage more people to work more or build their own businesses to produce goods and services.


Third, the government could set up suitable policies which have more relaxation and safety to protect all the involved parties. For example,  the right to access resources and knowledge, Shorten the application review process, and so on. This could be helpful for those who are new to business operations and attract more enterprise.


Fourth, improve and hold the first sector of the economy, especially the plantation such as the palm tree, durian, and so on. The first sector is one of the most fundamental and stable products for trading and provides income for the Malaysian economy. After having enough income the Malaysian could use that income to build more facilities.


Fifth, the government should provide more support to the business and enterprises such as the money supply.  A suitable amount of money supply could have few benefits for the country's GDP. For example, a higher money supply decreases the business starting cost, and production cost and helps the SME to decrease the cost and help them to develop too.


Based on your understanding, describe the Causes of unemployment in terms of economic reason.

One of the causes that lead to unemployment will be economic trends. Sometimes, when the trends have come, there will be a lot of new enterprises or people will start to open new businesses. However, if the trends pass, the demand for those products will start to fall and cause a lot of people to lose their jobs. This situation will be significant, especially in the industrial sector. This is because the industry sector uses more temporary contract workers to fit with the sudden increase in demand. While the trends are gone, demand goes down, and industries will fire and terminate most of the contract workers too.


Even more, if there was economic depression, most the companies will start to fire unimportant employees to decrease the cost of human resources, even sometimes fire the employee who has a high salary just because of experience and hires new employees to save the cost. At this time, it would increase the unemployment rate too.


Other than that, the impact of technology is also one of the reasons. While new technology has been found, the economy will start to grow. But however, if the technology is about automation which is able to increase production for the economy, it will also cause a lot of unemployment rate too because machines have taken over people's jobs.


Briefly explain the types of unemployment.

Frictional unemployment.

The first type of unemployment would be frictional unemployment. It was a type of unemployment caused by the allocation of resources. Within the company adjustment, some employees will be needed to transfer to another position. However, sometimes the transfer job was not the employee’s preferred job. Simply say, frictional unemployment was referring to the time consumption by the worker wanting to get a preferred job.


Real wages unemployment

Another type would be real wages unemployment. It was caused by high wages and salaries. Some companies offer higher wages to attract more people to work. However, this will cause more people to only want to have a high salary job, but not every company could provide a high salary. The gap between these two elements causes unemployment.


Hidden unemployment

The third type of unemployment will be hidden unemployment. This type of unemployment looks like still employment on the surface, but it actually unemployment. Some companies use to conduct hidden unemployment for their employees by reducing workload, working hours, salary, cutting benefits, and only approving unpaid leave to force their employees to leave by themself to avoid the penalty for contract or law.


Explain why we should not expect to see zero percent unemployment.

Employment refers to the rate of people getting a job and the working rate. Usually, a higher employment rate means an increase in the tax, government income, higher development, and higher-level standard of living, which is the higher the better. However, if there was full employment, and zero percent unemployment, it actually is not good. This is because zero percent unemployment means the labor supply of the country and could not follow up with the development of the country which means a lack of human resources. This situation may possibly limit the development of the country because there was no extra labor for the developed area and also the enterprise. For example, there is no more unemployed labor who want to work as an accountant, work as teachers, and others. Not only does it become a limitation of development, full employment, and zero unemployment also means the problem of the education system in the country. This is because the education function is to train and produce human resources for the country's use, however, now the education system could not do this job well. 


Even more, full employment means that the competition between employees and the company will start to grow harder and harder. This may lead to an economic boom and faster development, but it should also come with higher risk and instability, unsustainable because of the competition inside the business circle, probably the small enterprise is much harder to live. More than that, full employment cause labor shortages, and human resources will because rare resources, and it will totally increase the labor cost such as the salary, wages and etc.


Discuss five contributions of the industrial sector to the Malaysian economy. You may frame your discussion with the context of heavy industries, SMEs or in general term.


The first most common and biggest contribution to Malaysia will be to utilize natural resources. For a country, if there is no industrial or manufacturing to help to change those resources to useful products, it will be some kind of waste. So that the industries could provide support to process the resources to become better products.


Secondly, while the resources are after the industrial processing, it will be a type of value-added process. It means that the low-value raw materials and resources could increase the value to be sold which is more profitable than just raw. At the same time, it will also increase the national income indirectly too.


Third, the industries usually will require a massive amount of employees and labor such as the operator in the factory. It means that the industry is actually created and provides a lot of career opportunities for the local people to increase their income and bring influence to people’s quality of life too.


Fourth, the industry has also transformed Malaysia from the national consumer to become the national manufacturer. Industrial help Malaysia to get used to all the available resources to produce its own product so that it will help Malaysia to become less dependent on other countries' products, but own produce for its own use. In other words, industrial helped to decrease Malaysia's imports and increase exports.


Fifth, another most common contribution of the industry will be to supply the goods and fulfill the people’s needs.  Industrial is the first sector to access the resources that are responsible to transform the raw materials to become useful items and provide them to small and medium enterprises, sellers, markets, and so on to sell to the consumer in Malaysia. If without industry, there will be no demanded supply for the people's daily usage.


In your own words, explain five competitive priorities that a company should have to compete with its competitor.

The first competitive priorities are the costs. Cost always has higher priorities compared with other competitive advantages.  Cost may include the production cost, procurement cost, transportation cost, and so on. This will totally influence the sales price of the product. while the company can highly decrease the cost of the product, it may be helpful to increase the company's revenues. For example, the company's production cost has decreased from RM 2 to RM 1 per product, but it sells RM5 per product which means that the profit increases from RM3 to RM4.

首先竞争的重点是成本。与其他竞争优势相比,成本始终具有更高的优先级。成本可能包括生产成本、采购成本、运输成本等。这将完全影响产品的销售价格。虽然公司可以大大降低产品成本,但可能有助于增加公司的收入。例如,公司的生产成本从每件产品 RM 2 降低到 RM 1,但每件产品销售 RM5,这意味着利润从 RM3 增加到 RM4。

The second competitive priority will be the capacity. Capacity is about how much production can be handled by the business in a certain time. This will influence the opportunity of the business too. For example,  in the period of covid-19, there will be much demand for the mask, however, there is not enough capacity to handle the demand for the product. This was actually some kind of loss to the business. 


The third competitive priority can be a lead time. Lead time refers to the time that started the process to the end of the order. The shorter lead time usually gives more happiness and satisfaction to the customer. Reversely, a longer lead time will decrease customer satisfaction. For example, the customer wants to order online a product, but one of the sending times is in 3 days, another will be 2 weeks, so the customer will be more likely to choose that product within 3 days.

第三个竞争优先级可以是交货时间。提前期是指从流程开始到订单结束的时间。较短的交货时间通常会给客户带来更多的快乐和满足感。相反,较长的交货时间会降低客户满意度。例如,客户想在线订购一个产品,但其中一个发送时间是 3 天,另一个是 2 周,因此客户更有可能在 3 天内选择该产品。

The fourth will be the quality of the product or service. Quality is always an order winner and qualifies for the product. The higher quality product will be preferred by the customer. However, usually, the higher quality will have a higher price and cost. However, it will always have some defects, that is also why the company will give a warranty to most of the products, especially luxury products. The quality of the product is also related to the complexity of the flow of the supply chain.


The fifth will be the flexibility of the product. Usually, they are different people with different preferences. It means that the company's design of the product could not fulfill some other people's too. In this situation, if the company can be flexible to adapt the product to satisfy customers, they will have a bigger advantage to grab the market share and sales opportunity. For example, a company is flexible enough to produce the mask with a better air circulation system to reduce the stuffiness of the user.
