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IHRM(Cindy Fratelli) Just how can she prepare herself?


  • Collect information from the internet
  • Employment and talent management 

To accomplish one thing, the information is the first important element to be done at an early stage. Information is the tools and guidelines to help the person to decide and judge for the thing, without correct information and understanding, it would probably be going the wrong way. Cindy should first collect and research the country's culture, regulations, traditions, and so on. By knowing that information, Cindy could have a deeper understanding of how to allocate the resources and provide suitable benefits and training, and so on. To do this, Cindy could simply obtain information from the internet, communicate with people from other countries, training, and lecture.

 为了完成一件事,信息是在早期阶段要做的第一个重要因素。信息是帮助人们对事物做出决定和判断的工具和指南,没有正确的信息和理解,很可能会走错路。 Cindy首先要收集和研究这个国家的文化、法规、传统等等。通过了解这些信息,Cindy 可以更深入地了解如何分配资源以及提供合适的福利和培训等。为此,Cindy 可以简单地从互联网上获取信息,与来自其他国家的人交流、培训和讲座

After that, Cindy needs to focus on the management of employees and talent. In this term, recruitment and selection, training and development, and benefit conditions are very important. For example, Cindy needs to know who to hire, how to evaluate performance, give training, deal with cultural shock and so on. At this point, the information collected would be very useful for making decisions.

之后,Cindy 需要专注于员工和人才的管理。在这个学期中,招聘与选拔、培训与发展、福利条件非常重要。例如,Cindy 需要知道雇用谁、如何评估绩效、提供培训、应对文化冲击等。在这一点上,收集到的信息对于决策非常有用。

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